List of successfully defended dissertation

(since 2011)


Ing. Hana Burešová

New scintillation detectors based on polystyrene
prof. RNDr. Fedor Šimkovic, CSc. (Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave) / doc. Ing. Ivan Štekl, CSc. (ČVUT v Praze - ÚTEF)


Ing. Boris Andris

Development of methods for the determination of limited beta emitting radionuclides using LSC
doc. Ing. Ferdinand Šebesta, CSc.

Ing. Jan Bárta

Radiation- and Photo-induced Preparation of Synthetic Garnets Based on LuAG
prof. Ing. Milan Pospíšil, DrSc. / doc. Ing. Václav Čuba, Ph.D.

Mgr. Michal Fejgl

Application of the determination of C-14 activities for following the radiation burden of the population
Ing. Ivo Světlík, Ph.D. (ÚJV AV ČR) / doc. Ing. Mojmír Němec, Ph.D.

Ing. Petr Kovařík

Development of progressive technologies for organic radioactive waste treatment
prof. Ing. Jan John, CSc.

RNDr. Ivana Krausová

Short-lived products of pohotonuclear reactions on a microtrone and their application in photonuclear activation analysis
Ing. Jiří Mizera, Ph.D. (ÚJF AV ČR, Řež

Ing. Tereza Pavelková

Radiation preparation of actinide oxides
doc. Ing. Václav Čuba, Ph.D. / doc. Ing. Ferdinand Šebesta, CSc.

Ing. Irena Špendlíková

Development of sample preparation methods for 236U determination by AMS
doc. Ing. Mojmír Němec, Ph.D. / prof. Ing. Jan John, CSc.

Mgr. Kamila Šťastná

Development of processes for separation of Cm from Am 
prof. Ing. Jan John, CSc. / doc. Ing. Mojmír Němec, Ph.D.

Ing. Martina Toufarová

Study of reactivity of carbon nanostructures induced by ionising and nonionising radiation
Ing. Libor Juha, CSc. (Fyzikální ústav AV ČR) / prof. Ing. Milan Pospíšil, DrSc.

RNDr. Martin Vlk

Synthesis and study of isotopically labelled Betulinines 
prof. Ing. Jan John, CSc. / RNDr. Jan Šarek, Ph.D. (Betulinines, Stříbrná Skalice), RNDr. Ján Kozempel, Ph.D.


Ing. Vítězslav Jarý

Thermally induced ionization and quenching processes in novel oxide and sulfide scintillation materials
Ing. Martin Nikl, CSc.

Ing. Tomáš Gbur

Preparation of ZnO nanoparticle and nanocomposite scintillator
doc. Ing. Václav Čuba, PhD.


Ing. Daniel Seifert

Optimization of the Radiosynthesis of [18]Fluoroethylspiperone Using Commercially Available Automated Synthesis Modules.
Ing. Ondřej Lebeda, Ph.D.

Ing. Jiří Landa

Modelování vlivu vybraných parametrů migrace radionuklidů z úložišť radioaktivních odpadů na jejich přenos do biosféry.
doc. Mgr. Dušan Vopálka, CSc.


Ing. Marek Tomeš

Study of lutetium-177-labelled compounds.
doc. Ing. František Melichar, DrSc.

Ing. Jan Ráliš

Study of production of 86Y and 124I on the cyclotron U-120M.
Ing. Ondřej Lebeda, PhD.

Mgr. Vera Beckford

Synthesis and evaluation of radioconjugates formed with selected trivalent radiometals.
doc. Ing. František Melichar, DrSc.

Ing. Marek Fikrle

Development of methods for determination of 99Tc in environmental samples
prof. Ing. Jan Kučera, CSc.

Landa: Mathematical and computer modeling of the anticipated deep geological repository concept