DNC Seminars

The next scheduled seminar:

The next seminar will take place in September/October, 2020. The programme is here.

Subsequent seminars are planned for:

  • Winter semester 2020/2021

SlidesLive for the opening invited lectures:


About the seminars:

Since the academic year 2011/2012, the seminars at the Department of Nuclear Chemistry follow a revised schedule. Since 2015 the seminar is open to broad nuclear chemistry community and is run in collaboration with the Nuclear Chemistry Working Group of the Czech Chemical Society. The seminars are held once a month in the winter and summer semester and are planned as a day-long event. The general structure of the newly designed seminars is as follows (all times include discussion):

  1. Opening invited lecture by an eminent expert from Czech or foreign institution (90 minutes)
  2. Ph.D. students' summaries of their last-year research results (usually 3 students, 40 minutes each)
  3. Presentation of the progress in key projects running at the DNC (as appropriate, approx 30 minutes per project)
  4. Presentation of findings from major conferences and other events attended recently by the DNC members.

Participation in the seminar is mandatory for all doctoral students in full-time study and all students working on their diploma theses. Participation is "highly recommended" for doctoral students in combined form of the study, all other master students, and students working on their bachelor theses.  Undergraduate students are welcome, as well as guests from other departments and institutions.

One of the aims of the re-shaped seminar is to get a better overview of the status and progress of research activities of doctoral students and strengthen links between nuclear chemistry doctoral students working in institutions outside the department main complex. For this reason, once a year, every doctoral student (including those enrolled in the combined studies) must give an overview presentation of their results achieved so far.

If approved by the speaker, the invited talks are recorded and archived using the SlidesLive system. Dr. Kateřina Čubová is responsible for the programme content and scheduling of the seminars...


On May 17, 2019 invited lecture on the topic "Inorganig scintillators: Preparation and properties" was presented by Jan Pejchal (Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague). (SlidesLive)

On April 26, 2019 invited lecture on the topic "Analysis of environmental radionuclides and its application for tracing environmental processes" was presented by Xiaolin Hou (Technical University of Denmark, Roskilde). (SlidesLive)

On March 1, 2019 invited lecture on the topic "Nuclear programme in United Arab Emirates - risk or benefit?" was presented by Adam Pavlík (State Office for Nuclear Safety).

On December 14, 2018, two invited lectures were presented. Prof. Jiří Janata (Georgia Tech, USA) delivered the talk "Greatest delivery: Of interest to anybody who cares about energyand its ompact on environment" and prof. Nicholas Evans (Nottingham Trent University, UK) delivered the talk "What were they thinking of? Radioactive Quackery". (SlidesLive)

On November 16, 2018, the seminar was organised as a joint seminar of the DNC FNSPE CTU, Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine and Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR.

On October 19, 2018, invited lecture on the topic "From Biophotons to Bystander Effect: The implications of non-targeted effects for Radiation Biology and Radiotion Protection" was presented by prof. Carmel Mothersill (McMaster University, Canada). (SlidesLive)

On May 11, 2018, invited lecture on the topic "Nakládání s kaly z bazénu dlouhodobého skladu vyhořelého paliva JE A1" was presented by dr. Boris Andris (VÚJE Trnava, Slavakia).(SlidesLive)

On a special seminar on May 10, 2018, invited lecture on the topic "Fukushima Dai-ichi - a view from the ocean" was presented by dr. Steven M. Pike (Woods Hole Oceonagrpic Institution (USA) na téma.

On April 13, 2018, invited lecture on the topic "The Fate of Technetium in UK Radioactive Waste Disposal" was presented by Nicholas M. Evans (Nottingham Trent University, UK). (SlidesLive).

On March 9, 2018, invited lecture on the topic "History and development of Accelator Mass Spectrometry" was presented by prof. Hans-Arno Synal (ETH Zurich) (SlidesLive).

On February 23, 2018, invited lecture on the topic "Unikátní přístupy a technologie v oblasti řízení chemie JE Temelín" was presented by Dr. Václav Hanus (retired from NPP Temelín) (SlidesLive).

On December 15, 2017, invited lecture on the topic "The Development of Ligand Systems for Separating Minor Actinides from Lanthanides for Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing" was presented by prof. Laurence M. Harwood (University of Reading). (SlidesLive).

On November 24, 2017, invited lecture on the topic "The past and present in reprocessing in U.S." was presented by dr. Terry A. Todd (Idaho National Laboratory). (SlidesLive).

On October 20, 2017. invited lecture on the topic "Chemia nehod jadrových reaktorov" was presented by dr. Ivan Kajan (Paul Scherrer Institute)". (SlidesLive).

On May 19, 2017, invited lecture on the topic "Národní akční plán rozvoje jaderné energetiky v ČR a jeho plnění" was presented by Ing. Ján Štuller. (SlidesLive).

On April 21, 2017, invited lecture on the topic "Rostoucí možnosti využití superkritického oxidu uhličitého" was presented by Ing. Helena Sovová, CSc. (SlidesLive).

On March 24, 2017, invited lecture on the topic "Historie Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Projekt Manhattan a poválečné období" was presented by Ing. Jan Uhlíř, CSc. (ÚJV Řež). (SlidesLive).

On February 24, 2017, invited lecture on the topic "Exotic radionuclides, what are they good for?" was presented by Dorothea Schumann (Paul Scherrer Institute, CH). (SlidesLive).

On December 16, 2016, invited lecture on the topic "Analytical methods on accelerated ions beams and their application" was presented by RNDr. Vladimír Havránek CSc. (Institute of Nuclear Physics AS CR, Řež) (SlidesLive).

On November 25, 2016 invited lecture on the topic "Vývěry Radioactive mineral waters springs in Lugikum (Bohemian Massif): quantitative and temporal frame of activation processes" was presented by Mgr. Viktor Goliáš, Ph.D. (Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague) (SlidesLive).

On October 21, 2016 the seminar was opened by three successive lectures on the topic "Advances in Chemistry of Superheavy Elements " delivered by N. Aksenov, P. Steinegger (both Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia), and J. John.

On May 13, 2016 invited lecture on the topic "Overview of the history of radioanalytical methods development in the Czech Republic" was presented by doc. Ing. Zdeněk Řanda, DrSc. (Institute of Nuclear Physics AS CR, Řež), laureate of the Vladimír Majer medal. (SlidesLive).

On April 15, 2016 invited lecture on the topic "Modification and characterisation of materials by energetic ions" was presented by doc. RNDr. Anna Macková, Ph.D. (Institute of Nuclear Physics AS CR, Řež)

On March 18, 2016 invited lecture on the topic "239/240Pu and 236U in an ice core from Tien Shan (China) and an outline of the chapter Nuclear Dating in 'Applied Nuclear Chemistry' (in print)" was presented by prof. Heinz Gäggeler (Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland), laureate of the Vladimír Majer medal. (SlidesLive).

On February 26, 2016 invited lecture on the topic "Research and development for the support of siting of the deep underground repository" was presented by Ing. Antonín Vokál, CSc. (Radioactive Waste Repository Authority of the Czech Republic, Prague) (SlidesLive).

On December 18, 2015 invited lecture on the topic "Research directions in the field of sample preparation, extraction and separation and radionuclides measurements in the Army of the Czech Republic" was presented by kpt. Ing. Jiří Janda, Ph.D. (University of Defence, Vyškov) (SlidesLive).

On November 20, 2015 invited lecture on the topic "Decommissioning of nuclear facilities" was presented by Ing. Eva Popelová, Ph.D. (ENERGOPROJEKT Prague, Division of ÚJV Řež)

On October 16, 2015 invited lecture on the topic "Preparation of ultrafast pulse radiolysis and fluorescence dosimetry at ELI Beamlines" was presentd by Ing. Martin Přeček, Ph.D. (ELI Beamlines, Prague) (SlidesLive).

On May 15, 2015 invited lecture on the topic "Solution chemistry in mixtures containing ionic liquids" was presented by Ing. Magdalena Bendová, Ph.D. (Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals ASCR) (SlidesLive).

On April 14, 2015, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, the seminar was opened by a short commemoration presented by prof. Ing. Viliama Múčky, DrSc. "From the history of the department of Nuclear Chemistry" (SlidesLive), which was followed by invited lecture „Oservations from Chernobyl“ presented by prof. RNDr. L'ubomír Mátel (Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Commenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia) ( SlidesLive).

On March 13, 2015 invited lecture on the topic "Influence of the NPP Temelín on thje environment" was presented by Ing. Eduard Hanslík, CSc. (T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, Prague)

On February 20, 2015 invited lecture on the topic "Application of ab-initio simulations for determining the chemical properties" was presented by doc. Ing. Ladislav Kalvoda, CSc. and Ing. Tomáš Koubský (Department of Solid State Engineering, FNSPE CTU Prague) (SlidesLive).

On December 12, 2014 invited lecture on the topic "Radiochemical studies in MSU" was presented by prof. Stepan N. Kalmykov (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia) and subsequently Dr. Ralph Santos-Oliveira (Universidade Estadual da Zona Oeste, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) presented invited lecture on the topic "Radiopharmacy in Brazil".

On November 14, 2014 invited lecture on the topic „Radicarbon dating" was presented by Ing. Ivo Světlík Ph.D. (Institute of Nuclear Physics ASCR, Prague).

On October 17, 2014 invited lecture on the topic „Geochemical studies of tektites and impact glasses using activation analysis" was presented by Ing. Jiří Mizera, Ph.D. (Institute of Nuclear Physics ASCR, Řež).

On April 25, 2014 invited lecture on the topic Microfluidics in actinide solvent extraction was presented by Dr. Artem V. Gelis from Argonne National Laboratory (USA).

On March 28, 2014 invited lecture on the topicActual issues of radiopharmaceuticals in nuclear medicine point of view was presented by Dr. Marek Moša from IMUNA s.r.o. (Czech Republic).

On February 21, 2014 invited lecture on the topic Thermal and non-thermal effects of XUV / X-ray was presented by Dr. Libor Juha from Institute of Physics ASCR, v. v. i. (Czech Republic).

On December 13, 2013 invited lecture on the topic The nuclear power plant is not only about the money production was presented by MSc. Václav Hanus from ČEZ, a.s. (Czech Republic).

On November 8, 2013 invited lecture on the topic Nuclear chemist in Hawaii or Around the World in 667 Days was presented by, absolvent of DNC, Dr. Jan Kameník from NPI AS CR and the second invited lecture on the topic AMS-Applications at VERA was presented by Rosmarie Eigl from Universität Wien (Austria).

On October 11, 2013,  invited lecture on the topic The Use of labeled Compounds in the Study of Residues of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment was presented by assoc. prof. Stanislav Smrček from the Department of Organic Chemistry Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic).

On May 10, 2013, invited lecture on the topic Time-resolved Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy - A Valuable Tool for Actinide Speciation was presented by prof. Petra Panak from INE - KIT (Germany) and the second invited lecture on the topic Complexation and Separation Performance of N- and O- Donor Ligands Used in Actinide Separation was presented by Dr. Björn Beele from INE - KIT (Germany).

On April 12, 2013, invited lecture on the topic "The advanced technology of chemical processing of radioactive waste issuing from the decommissioning of nuclear facilities" was given by MSc. Milena Pražská from AMEC Nuclear Czech Republic, a.s. (Czech Republic).

On March 15, 2013, the invited lecture on the topic The issue of double beta decay (in Czech) was presented by associate professor Ivan Štekl from CTU-IEAP (Czech Republic).

On February 2, 2013, invited lecture on the topic Radiochemical investigations at the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, JINR Dubna was presented by Dr. Nikolaj Aksenov from Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Russia).

On December 7, 2012, invited lecture on the topic Radiation Chemistry of Divided Systems: The Role of Interfaces and of Confinement was presented by Dr. Sophie Le Caër from Institut Rayonnement Matière de Saclay (France).

On November 9, 2012, invited lecture on the topic Radiochemistry for biomedical application on Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR was presented by Martin Hrubý from IMC AS CR (Czech Republic)

On Octomber 5, 2012, invited lecture on the topic Recent advances in separation Chemistry at Oregon State University was presented by Alena Paulenová from Department of Chemistry, Oregon State University (USA).

On May 11, 2012, invited lecture on the topic Development of Aqueous and Organic Radioactive Waste Treatment Processes at Hazen Research Inc., USA was presented by James D. Navratil from Department of the Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences, Clemson University (USA). An additional invited lecture Determination and Evaluation of Surface Complexation Parameters for Eu3+ on Muscovite and Orthoclase was presented by Susan Britzz GRS Braunschweig (Germany).

On April 13, 2012, invited lecture Physical Problems and Applications in the Field of Scintillation Materials was delivered by Martin Nickel from the Institute of Physics ASCR v.v.i. (Czech Republic).

On March 16, 2012, invited lecture Legacy of Uranium Extraction and Environmental Security in Central Asia was presented by Peter Stegnar from the Jožef Stefan Institute (Slovenia).

On February 17, 2012, invited lecture Pyrochemical Methods for Reprocessing Irradiated Nuclear Fuel for Fuel Cycles in Fourth Generation Reactors was presented by Jan Uhlíř of NRI Řež OJSC (Czech Republic).

On December 16, 2011, invited lecture on the topic of Radiation Monitoring Network Activity and CR National Radiation Protection Institute was presented by Jiří Hůlka of NRPI v.v.i. (Czech Republic).

On November 25, 2011, invited lecture on the topic of Quality Assurance in the Development and Production of PET Radiopharmaceuticals was delivered by Macášek Fedor from Biont plc. (Slovak Republic).

On October 21, 2011, invited lecture on Neutron Activation Analysis and its Applications in Chemical Metrology, Biomedicine, Geo- and Cosmo- Chemistry was given by Jan Kučera of NPI ASCR v.v.i. (Czech Republic).