News at DNC
International collaboration on application of AMS in radioecology (AMSIR)
Mobility initiative for students and teachers “Improved skills and competences of students and academics in application of AMS in radioecology (AMSIR)” aims at establishing a bilateral collaboration between Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) and Department of Nuclear Chemistry FNSPE CTU in Prague. Project is focused on interconnection, and knowledge and skill exchange in the field of radioecology and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). Within the project, organization of seminars, excursions and mutual visits are planned. It is provided by Czech National Agency for International
Applications for admission to PhD programmes 2015/2016 - summer semester.
Applications for admission to doctoral studies (1st year of study).
Deadline for bachelor's degree project selection
On 3.10.2014 is the deadline for Bachelor's degree project selection.
More info you can obtain here or in the section Student service / Decrees:
Topics of bachelor's degree projects for academic year 2014/2015. (in czech, for English version, please, contact secretary)
Begin of Academic year 2014/2015
16th DNC seminar
On December 13, 2013 probable from 8:30 am a seminar will be held at the Department of Nuclear Chemistry at the Atrium in Brehova 7, Prague 1. The schedule of seminar will be available here later.
15th DNC seminar
On November 8, 2013 probable from 8:30 am a seminar will be held at the Department of Nuclear Chemistry at the Atrium in Brehova 7, Prague 1. The schedule of seminar will be available here later.
International School in Nuclear Engineering 2013
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that we are continuing our International School in Nuclear Engineering that will be held in our Institute from November 18 to 29, 2013 in Cadarache, from December 2 to 13, 2013 in Saclay then from January 13 to 24, 2014 in Marcoule.
This school offers six one-week doctoral level courses of one week each and will present the international state–of-the-art in the main topics of nuclear engineering : reactor core physics, thermal hydraulics, materials, fuels, fuel cycle, nuclear waste.