Free positions
29 January 2015
4 PhD and 2 post-doc positions available in the Waste&Disposal expert group at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, SCK•CEN, Mol, Belgium
PhD subjects: [1], [2], [3], [4]
Post-doc subjects: [A], [B]
Deadline for application: 27th March 2015. [PhD], [Post doc].
More informations: prof. John.
7 November 2014
PhD positions in REDMUD project: separation of REE’s with inorganic ion exchangers, e.g. metal phosphates. More informations here or prof. John.
14 August 2014
The topic "Binding of multivalent radionuclides to dissolved organic matter – A multi-angle approach" could be solved as double degree PhD study in SCK-CEN." More infromation you can get here or from Ing. Eva Hofmanová.
12 August 2014
Trainee position in JRC ITU Karsruhe.
8 August 2014
ENVINET Company (see the section "Sponsors of DNC") is looking for a radiochemist for their facility in Třebíč / NPP Dukovany.
4 April 2014
Apart from ASGARD I am looking for applicants for a PHD position on dissolution of mixed Uranium and Plutonium single phase oxides. It is a 3 year contract. Applicants must have a good resume as CEA’s requirements are at a high level. So if you have someone interested to make his/her PHD in France, please ask him/her to apply directly to me (resume + cover letter + references + scholarship marks).
Of course a bit of French could help.
Best regards
Dr. Gilles LETURCQ
Senior Research Scientist
CEA Marcoule
Bât 166 – BP 17171 – 30207 Bagnols/cèze cedex
Tél. 00-33-4 66-79-63-76
24 March 2014
PhD postion in Cadarache on topic: "Investigation of Deposition Mechanisms Under Boiling: Application of Fouling in Pressurized Water Reactors". More info here.
18 February 2014
Dear friends and colleagues,
A 2 year postdoctoral position is available ASAP in our laboratory, as indicated in the attached PDF file.
Please feel free to forward this message (and attached PDF file) to any potentially interested candidate.
With warm regards,
11 February 2014
Non convectional sintering of UO2 pellets in Karlsruhe.
21 January 2014
Newton International Fellowships
15 January 2014
3 free PhD position in Finland.
2 December 2013
An assistant professor position in Radiochemistry at UNLV
5 June 2013
Experimental study of molten salts properties, in particular 7LiF·BeF2. In case of an agreement between the student and UTK / Řež, DNC will offer this research topic as a bachelor, diploma, or Ph.D. project for the academic year 2013/2014. Read more (2nd page)
5 April 2013
Dear Colleagues,
Please help us to spread the information about employment 2 PhD Students in our Nuclear Chemistry group. There is an on-line application procedure, and the link is given below. The numbers and names of the application are given as well below.
In Sweden, the PhD students are considered to be employed at the university and the salary is enough to have a decent living, even after paying the taxes. For details, please contact us.
Thank you very much for your help!
Phd student for Separation and transmutation
Phd student for Investigation of solution Chemistry of Radium
21 November 2012
Dear Colleague
I inform you that there is an offer for a post-doctoral position at CEA Marcoule, on separation chemistry. See attachment for more information. Please, fell free to transfer this message to any potentially interested people.
Best regards
Stéphane Bourg
11 September 2012
Dear all,
Sorry to bother you all but we are looking for someone with a process engineering background to fill a PDRA position in our MBase project. This part of the project involves the design of flow sheets etc. in spent nuclear fuel extractions. Please contact Megan Jobson ( if you are interested and/or you need more information about the post.
The advertisement is on and the job reference is EPS-01462
Best wishes,
Dr Clint Sharrad
13 August 2012
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme
21 June 2012
Fellowship program for postdocs at PSI
Please, see fellowship program for postdocs at PSI webpage: In the research area of Materials and Matters there are several topics concerning the nuclear fuel cycle listed, e.g.
- Corrosion and Deposition Layers in Pressurized Water Reactors: compositional, molecular and structural investigations using advanced micro-analytical techniques (contact Daniel Grolimund)
- Fuel development and processing for advanced reactor type (contact Marco Streit)
- Development of new experimental methods for the investigation of nuclear materials as a mean to validate theoretical analyses (contact Stephane Portier)
The deadline for applications is August 6th, 2012.
9 May 2012
Faculty of Sciences, University Hradec Králové is wanting graduated staff. Add is here. (in Czech)
31 March 2012
Ústav jaderného výzkumu Řež a.s. je společnost s 56 letou tradicí výzkumu, vývoje, výroby a služeb, především v oborech jaderných. Posláním ÚJV Řež a.s. je zajišťovat výzkumnou a vývojovou činnost a uplatnění jejich výsledků v oblasti jaderných technologií. Pro rozšíření našeho týmu hledáme kolegu/kolegyni na pozici: Inženýr technické podpory/projektový manažer s náplní práce: - nakládání s radioaktivními odpady a vyhořelým palivem - komunikace se zákazníky ÚJV - producenty radioaktivních odpadů - vedení projektů, aplikovaný výzkum v oblasti RAO Více info zde.
15 February 2012
Možnost podání přihlášek do výběrového řízení o stipendia Francouzské vlády na rok 2012 končí dnem 2. března 2012. Podrobnosti na vyžádání od sekretářky katedry.
7 February 2012
There is a postdoctor fellowship in Nuclear Chemistry available at the group of prof. Jon Petter Omtvedt in Oslo. Details can be found at The deadline is 17th Februar 2012. Anyone interested are very welcome to contact prof. Omtvedt for further information.
7 February 2012
Graduate scheme with EDF Group - interviews during Energy Excellence Event. Více informací zde.
29 January 2012
Permanent position for a research scientist in solvent extraction, CEA Marcoule, France. Více info zde.
20 January 2012
Prof. Christophe Dujardin z Universite´ Claude Bernard Lyon I nabízí pro naše studenty pozici post-doc nebo PhD. v oblasti materiálová chemie a technologie. Zájemci ať kontaktují doc. Čubu.
16 January 2012
mailová nabídka PhD. pozice (více informací u prof. Johna)
Candidates are sought for a A PhD project on the environmental and health impacts of contaminant remobilisation in coastal zones ( ads/File/Wood GTA.pdf).
This PhD project has an environmental radioactivity focus and is funded through the University of Salford Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) scheme ( Studentships).
The funding is restricted to UK/EU residents and the closing date for applications is 17th February.
6 January 2012
V průběhu roku 2012 se na Státním úřadu pro jadernou bezpečnost pravděpodobně uvolní jedno místo inspektora. Bližší informace u prof. Johna.
4 January 2012
A permanent research position is open at the radiochemistry group in Strasbourg, France. The official announcement.
4 January 2012
Společnosti ÚJV a.s. - Divize Jaderná bezpečnost a spolehlivost - hledá Prac ovníka v oblasti výzkumu a vývoje (oblast radiační bezpečnosti)
17 October 2011
Firma ALS Laboratory Group nabízí absolventům Katedry jaderné chemie pracovní pozici: Supervizor (specialista) radiologie.